P1/E biography

Immer wieder gibt es Bands, de in Ihrer mehr oder weniger langen Karriere eine einzige Single ver-öffentlichen, die dann sogar zum Hit wird. Die meisten Bands werden dann auch wieder vergessen. Nur wenigen ist es vergönnt mit einem einzigen Track zur Kultband zu werden nd die zeite  zu überdauern. P1/E ist so eine Band, oder vielmehr ein Projekt mit wechselnden Beteiligten.


1980 erschien ihre  7" Single "49 Second Romance" in Berlin. Der Track ist bis heute in der Wave Szene, nicht nur in Deutschland, unvergessen und sorgt unter Miniimal Electro Freunden für Bewegung auf den Tanzflächen der Clubs.

Wild youth releases

Darauf folgten Tracks auf dem Monogam Sampler sowie auf Licht und Schatten.

Nach der Trennung 1981 wechselten die Bandmitglieder zu Einstürzende Neubauten, EXKURS und Tennis Boy Blues. 1989 machte Schäumer zwei Tracks für Acid Generation von Big Sex Records.


2020 ist P1/E wieder da und wir werden sehen, was die Zukunft zu bieten hat. 

From time to time there are bands who in their more or less long career release only one single, which then becomes a hit. Most bands are then usually forgotten. Only a few are allowed to become a cult band with just one single record and survive the times. P1/E is such a band, or much more an "open project" with changing participants.

In 1980, their only 7" "49 Second Romance / Dependence" was released in Berlin and especially the first song is still unforgotten in the wave scene, not only in Germany, and provides movement on the dance floors of clubs and parties among minimal-electro friends. Later in the year followed tracks on the Monogam and Licht & Schatten Compilation.

After the split in 1981 the band members moved to Einstürzende Neubauten, EXKURS and Tennis Boy Blues. In 1989 Schäumer did two tracks for Acid Generation released by Big Sex Records.

Now we will see what the future has to offer.

Other releases

49 Second Romance (Disco Mix) / Nice

Wild Youth (SV1) - 1981

Live Album recorded June17th 1981 at SO36. Vocals by Hirsch and Borsig

49 Second Romance

Denshi Zatsuon #9 - 2010

The Japanese compilation comes with a magazine

49 Second Romance (Mark Reeder Reconstruction)


DEF Media - 2015

Soundtrack of the film "B-Movie - Lust & Sound in Berlin"

49 Second Romance

ZickZack (ZZ2040) - 2015

Compilation for an exhibition set up by Goethe Institute 

Up And Above

Up And Above Dub

Strut Records (STRUT196) - 2018

German Post Punk compiled by JD Twitch

49 Second Romance (Weltklang Remix)


Vinyl Factory (VF170) - 2016

Track list also features Tuxedomoon, Throbbing Gristle and Front 242

49 Second Romance (Powell Remix)

Vinyl Factory (VF219) - 2016

Limited Edition. Great Remix by Oscar Powell.


Reflektor (60.459) - 1981

Soundtrack Album of the Carl Schenkel Film "Cold As Ice"

Up and Above
Up And Above Dub

Monogam (006) - 1980

Live Album recorded June17th 1981 at SO36. Vocals by Hirsch and Borsig

49 Second Romance


Exil System (SCH 1-80) - 1980

Vocals by Thomas Voburka. White inside sleeve with false stamp

49 Second Romance



Electro Emotions (EE002) - 2008

Ukrainian Compilation with all Exil System Tracks

The legendary SO36 Concert plus all studio recordings


Vinyl On Demand (VOD16) - 2005

Complete P1/E collection at the time of the release

49 Second Romance



Monitorpop (CDHW065-1) - 2005

Soundtrack of a Berlin Underground  1978-1984  compilation

49 Second Romance



Vinyl On Demand (VOD9) - 2004

Complete Exil  System Label Compilation

49 Second Romance



Höllenfeuer (001) - 1999

Dark Wave Compilation from the Abby Club in Stuttgart

49 Second Romance (feat. Ziggy XY)



Jelinski & Buttgereit - 1996

VHS Release of the SO36 90 minutes documentary

49 Second Romance 



Sub Terranean  (A31) - 1996

They did it again. Pirate release. Nobody asked. We will get you

49 Second Romance 



Sub Terranean (SPV 83.38932) - 1994

Pirate Release. We gave no permission. We will get you .

49 Second Romance 



Zensor (ZS115) - 1991

CD Compilation with Berlin Bands  from 1979-1984

Cataract /Grain Machine / Felukkafahrt / Chelsea Girl / Trust

Wild Youth (WYD03) - 2020

EP recorded at Nile Studio Aswan / Egypt

49 Seconds in Cairo

Wild Youth (WYD01) - 2020

Arabic Version of 49 Second Romance recorded during lockdown in Aswan